Das Glas Wein mit dem Heiligenschein.
Unkompliziert und leichtfüßig, so präsentiert sich Mayer Alkoholfrei. Bestehend aus Grünen Veltliner, Riesling und Weissburgunder und Welschriesling besticht der Wein durch sehr traubige Aromen.
Sein schlanker Körper macht ihn äußerst trinkfreudig. Ideal zu Salaten, einer Jause oder auch gespitzt, ist der Mayer Alkoholfrei sehr erfrischend.
Das Glas Schaumwein mit dem Heiligenschein.
In der Nase zarter Duft nach Muskat, Rosen und Akazie. Die feinen Fruchtaromen sind auch am Gaumen präsent und werden durch das Mousseux wunderbar unterstützt.
Mayer Alkoholfrei Prickelnd ist eine schöne Alternative zu Sekt oder Prosecco. Durch die lebendige Kohlensäure vermisst man den nicht vorhandenen Alkohol kaum.
An elegant crimson red wine with subtle black tea and tobacco aromas on the nose. Delicate and very velvety on the palate, a rounded finish, very flattering and elegant.
Feiner Duft nach Rosen, Jasmin und Orangenzesten. Opulente Honigaromen mit einem feinem Süße-Säure-Spiel.
Concentrated apricot and tropical fruit aromas with orange zest undertones. Very delicate and chiselled on the palate. Very smooth with a mineral character and with a fresh acidity curve on the finish. Blossom honey and apricot jam on the finish. The enormous expression of the Nussberg location can be recognised by the savoury aromas on the tongue. A great wine that you don’t see every year! Limited availability!
The Riesling imparts a strong aroma of fully ripe apricots and peaches. A delicate fruity sweetness on the palate which integrates the acidity well. The body is moderate and well balanced. A very lively wine with a lot of taste experiences.
Elegant tropical fruit and apricot aromas on the nose, taut and very straightforward on the palate. On the finish, there is a subtle smoky component that comes from the soil formation on the Nussberg.
*96 A la Carte Punkte *94 Falstaff Punkte
Tropical fruit accompanied by honey aroma and delicate jasmine flowers in the background characterizes this Erste Lage wine. With its tight structure and extracted sweetness the finish presents itself as incredibly powerful. This outstanding vineyard located on the famous hill “Nussberg” in Vienna allows wines with great potential for ageing.
Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Neuburger and some Traminer can be found in this Wiener Gemischter Satz. Elegant fruit and biscuit notes in the nose. Powerful on the palate, spicy, carried by strong minerality. A wine with enormous aging potential.
Delicate stone fruit aromas being typical for Austrian Riesling compared with the unique smoky Nussberg-aroma almost reminding of cinnamon and orange zest- contribute to the originality of this wine. A very tight structure with great tension followed by a salty finish let this wine appear incredibly elegant.
In the nose, aromas of concentrated apricots and jasmine blossom, with a backdrop of orange zest and typical Nussberg smokiness. Powerful and firm on the palate, with salty flavours originating from the shell limestone in the Preussen vineyard.
Feine Aromen von Anis und reifem Steinobst.
Rauchige Komponente, die von der Mineralik am Nussberg stammt.
Sehr straff am Gaumen mit viel Zug und einem langen salzigen Abgang.